Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I was talking with a friend today who is beginning a blog. It inspired me to add an entry to my pitiful little piece of cyberspace! So I log on and realize it's been almost 2 years since writing. Sadly I'm not surprised. But the conversation inspired me to write at least an update, and we'll see if that turns into more regular posts. Not sure anyone reads this anyways!

I no longer live in PA, but am a New Englander. The home of the NE Patriots football team is also my home...Foxboro, MA. I was warned before coming that New England residents tend to be cold and hard to befriend. Thankfully that has not been my experience at all! I was welcomed with open arms to my new job as Children's Ministry Director and have begun getting to know some of the women at the church. Everyone has been very friendly, encouraging and very gracious as I attempt to learn the ropes. It helps that I lived with a family for my first 5 weeks here. Their house key is still on my keyring and I'm not giving it back!

I do have my own place now and it's nearly all furnished. A comfy brown couch will finish off the living room this weekend, just in time for my first visitors. Phew! Still need quite a few decorating touches, but I might put the girls to work with that when they get here on Saturday since decorating is definitely not a forte of mine.

I guess that will be all for now. I don't plan on waiting another 2 years to write again. I can change. I can try at least. It's Fall. Change is in the air. It's all around.