Monday, February 27, 2012

Half Way There

Well, today is day 5. My half way point. I still feel pretty good overall with just a few minor side effects. My tongue is white with toxins. Yesterday my leg muscles were pretty sore. And I've been a bit sniffly today. I don't feel tired or weak though, which is good.

I had to miss eating at my lunch for teachers yesterday. Thankfully there was some white chicken chili left over which I will be freezing. It smelled so good cooking. Another big test of my will was Saturday when I was making cookies. I realize how much I normally nibble and lick while baking! It was tricky, but I didn't have even one small taste!

I've officially gone 1 week now with no solid foods. Who knew my will could be so strong. I just have a feeling that there will be a day when God requires discipline from me for something that truly matters. I will have challenges like this to look back on and know I can do His strength.

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