Thursday, October 9, 2008

Funny story

Well, it's kind of sad, or maybe embarrasing.

So every month my youth group serves a meal downtown Lancaster at a youth drop in center. I was the first one there last Wednesday and walked out to the street when one of our youth was getting dropped off. I was standing across the street from their mini-van when the dad asked if I had been painting. I laughed and said, "Nope, that's just my gray hair!"

Yep. I was a week too late and my salt and pepper crown was starting to show at the roots. I was embarrased, but what can ya do. My hair money last month was spent on a massage/reflexology/body alignment appointment. I say it was a good switch.

The problem is solved, though, because my housemate just colored my hair tonight. Yay!


. said...

this makes me laugh... I have greys too, that's why I highlight! haha. But, The guy that noticed your "painting job" should be more horrified for saying that than you... can't imagine...

PS. grey hair is a crown of wisdom.... and that is true of you!!

Courtney @ splashing grace said...

hooray for hiding the gray :)

I just hid mine too